Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Benefits of vitamin D, Factors and deficiency symptoms
Vitamin D is particularly known for strong bones because it promotes the binding of phosphorus, calcium and some minerals in the blood. Its benefits are far more numerous. Vitamin D, in addition to osteoporosis (decreased bone tissue), prevents various brain disorders and heart diseases and cancers such as breast, ovarian, bladder, prostate or colon. Moreover, this substance reduces the risk of pain or muscle weakness and chronic fatigue. In short, it strengthens the immune system while balancing the nervous system. Thus, it also balances the emotions and promotes intellectual activity.

Vitamin D deficiency can occur in both adults and children. The symptoms of this deficiency are numerous. It can lead to pain in bones and muscles, bone fractures common in lower tone, chronic fatigue or by subjection to depression. In children, it manifests itself through severe asthma attacks and low growth. A deficiency of vitamin D can also be found in the elderly. In the past, this deficiency is mainly a reflection of frequent falls.

Categories of people prone to a deficiency of vitamin D
Some people are more prone to a lack of vitamin D. Among them, the pregnant and lactating women, a large part of the daily intake of vitamin D is intended to feed the baby, people who do not sufficiently exposed to ultraviolet B sunlight, involved in the synthesis of Vitamin D, dark-skinned people, in which a lack of pigmentation slows the conversion of the vitamin but also the elderly.

There are also people who eat inadequately fat, enabling the recent dissolution of vitamin D. To prevent deficiency, note that the daily intake of vitamin D is 5 mcg (micrograms) for children, pregnant and lactating women and people aged 14 to 50 years, 10 mcg for those aged over 50 and 15 mcg for those aged over 70 years. We find this vitamin in particular oysters, sardines, mackerel, anchovies, dairy products, cereals and eggs. Follow the dosage prescribed by your doctor for a cure.

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