Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Laughter, innate in man
Contrary to popular belief, laughter is not unique to humans. Studies conducted by two American researchers have discovered that rats squeal with delight when they are tickled. Many chimpanzees, bonobos are not resistant to tickle-tickle and giggle, panting. Young monkeys are easily laugh when their keepers will tickle the feet, palms or underarms. A bit like in men: a child laugh on average 300 to 500 times per day, while an adult would not laugh over a minute ... Hence the interest of rigolothérapie, also called gélothérapie. Today, laughter is recognized as therapeutic tool. In France, the intervention of clowns in hospital dates back nearly a decade. Some health spas offer the same packages "spa and laugh."

The many benefits of laughter
From a psychological point of view, laughter triggers the release of endorphins, neurotransmitters associated with feelings of well-being. It can feel a sense of relaxation and relax the mind. The laughter has positive effects on sleep and stimulates the immune system. Simple, easy and free, laughter is a natural anti-stress effectively fight against depression, sadness and disappointment. It is good for the heart and gives energy. In addition to all its benefits, laughter can break free of her inhibitions and helps to integrate socially. It even seems that in addition to facilitating contact, laughter awakens sexual desire ... and it makes people more friendly and more attractive. Finally, laughter is a salutary exercise. Unbelievable but true ..., 20 minutes would be sufficient to bring the same vitality as a session of aerobics or jogging. Indeed, laughing, many muscles are stressed, particularly those of the abdomen.

The sessions of laughter yoga to relax
Recent years have seen the emergence of many laughter clubs in France. We practice "laughter yoga" based around a humorous psychotherapy to better cope with life and unfortunate events. This technique is practiced in groups, since in general, is not kidding himself. As they say, the more we are fools, the merrier! Gélothérapie session usually begins in the morning. This method is to perform a series of laughter exercises inspired yogi, stretching and relaxation. And the results are felt in the first session! Elongated rosette, you do not ask participants, just "let him come." Often, the most experienced starting first and others follow. It is a wave of laughter that comes and goes for at least a good ten minutes! For, ultimately, leave the body alone laugh. In short, this is a true letting go.


Benefits of vitamin D, Factors and deficiency symptoms
Vitamin D is particularly known for strong bones because it promotes the binding of phosphorus, calcium and some minerals in the blood. Its benefits are far more numerous. Vitamin D, in addition to osteoporosis (decreased bone tissue), prevents various brain disorders and heart diseases and cancers such as breast, ovarian, bladder, prostate or colon. Moreover, this substance reduces the risk of pain or muscle weakness and chronic fatigue. In short, it strengthens the immune system while balancing the nervous system. Thus, it also balances the emotions and promotes intellectual activity.

Vitamin D deficiency can occur in both adults and children. The symptoms of this deficiency are numerous. It can lead to pain in bones and muscles, bone fractures common in lower tone, chronic fatigue or by subjection to depression. In children, it manifests itself through severe asthma attacks and low growth. A deficiency of vitamin D can also be found in the elderly. In the past, this deficiency is mainly a reflection of frequent falls.

Categories of people prone to a deficiency of vitamin D
Some people are more prone to a lack of vitamin D. Among them, the pregnant and lactating women, a large part of the daily intake of vitamin D is intended to feed the baby, people who do not sufficiently exposed to ultraviolet B sunlight, involved in the synthesis of Vitamin D, dark-skinned people, in which a lack of pigmentation slows the conversion of the vitamin but also the elderly.

There are also people who eat inadequately fat, enabling the recent dissolution of vitamin D. To prevent deficiency, note that the daily intake of vitamin D is 5 mcg (micrograms) for children, pregnant and lactating women and people aged 14 to 50 years, 10 mcg for those aged over 50 and 15 mcg for those aged over 70 years. We find this vitamin in particular oysters, sardines, mackerel, anchovies, dairy products, cereals and eggs. Follow the dosage prescribed by your doctor for a cure.


Comparison of massages and Shirogriva Kobido

Shirogriva massage is a technique of Hindu origin several thousand years old. Massage parlors performing this technique are quite rare in France. However, it is frequently found in health spas, spas and the spas. Like its Japanese counterpart, massage shirogriva is a facial. The Kobido uses mixtures of plant extracts gold secrets massage shirogriva does not conceal the essential oils and massage that uses which are made from apricot and sesame. What differentiates the kobido shirogriva, the scheme's energy grid on the face, thereby stimulating the points are very different. In addition, the shirogriva also applies to the head and neck without touching the shoulders and neck.

To deliver its benefits, shirogriva adopt an energetic approach by acting on specific points called Marma. Like kobido massage, massage shirogriva aims to regulate the flow acting on the head and face. What differentiates these two techniques is the mode of action on energy points. Where kobido aims to release and balance the energies, the shirogriva acts to block it. The head is one of seven body parts crossed by the chakra system, many vital points there. It is for this reason a technique was developed specifically to stimulate the Marma this in the face.

The benefits of massage shirogriva
Shirogriva a massage focuses on the face and neck, however, its effects spread throughout the body. This technique allows for example to relax, feel lighter, but also relieve stress, muscle tension and feelings of fatigue. Given that the movements used by this technique are strong and uninterrupted, the benefits spread to the depths of the soul. In addition, massage shirogriva carries a soothing and stimulating both the body and mind.

As a facial massage, the shirogriva has a relaxing effect on all muscles of the face and neck. It can also be used for cosmetic purposes such as care for the face. For example, after a meeting with the beauty oils, leaves skin more beautiful, softer and brighter and brighter. Competing facelifts, the shirogriva is popular as wrinkle massage. A preventive or curative massage shirogriva is often used as anti-aging care. It also has a psychotherapeutic effect that improves the effectiveness of treatment on mental health.


Freeze cream for legs: the effect of "Freeze"
While some massage oils have the ability to heat the body, cream for legs Freeze instead an inverse function. Indeed, it is a massage cream to the cooling effect. The cold immediately decongest heavy legs. They then again become more toned. Once the blood started again, pain and fatigue are going fast. Freeze cream for legs can be used in single application, but it is much more effective as a massage cream. On the one hand, the gestures become more precise. On the other hand, this cream contains active ingredients whose virtues are reinforced by the cold.
The nature of health service

To design the Freeze cream for legs, researchers have relied on the science of plants. Plant extracts and essential oils are the cause of tonic and soothing properties of this product. In its composition, this has mint decongestant that relieves quickly. Red Vine and arnica are also used in the preparation of this cream. Freeze the cream for legs, you have a product without camphor and parabens which can be used frequently and over a long period. Of course, the frail must take precautions: children, pregnant or nursing.

Using the Freeze cream for legs
Freeze cream for legs can be used in several cases. Obviously, masseurs and therapists use massage as part of anti-legs or to solve problems of varicose veins. As part of a beauty massage, using light Cryo legs improves the result of lymphatic drainage. Athletes use it even after a prolonged effort to prevent stiffness. In aesthetics, this cream is sort of a finish after a body wrap. Its use is not restricted, as this product is effective even in single application. After a treatment with the cream Freeze for legs, a small spray of mineral water on the treated areas will remain light and your legs long.


Les vertus de l'abricot, ses atouts santé et beauté
The apricot on your plate
The apricot is a fruit light, with a moderate caloric intake by 47 kcal per 100 g. On average, an apricot thus provides only 30 calories and provides a pleasant cooling sensation thanks to its slight acidity. Two apricots are enough to cover half the daily requirement of carotene, an antioxidant that plays a critical role against cancer. Apricot also provides vitamin C and trace elements, good for athletes. Potassium helps to eliminate toxins and aids recovery. Ripe apricot is an excellent source of fiber very good since half are pectins. It is a very digestible fruit that promotes red blood cell production, which is good against anemia.

Apricots can be eaten as a salad or dessert fruit when very fresh. Mashed or grout, it accompanies the cheese and ice cream. It is also tasty tart, crumble or charlotte. Poached in a flavored syrup, eat it whole. Pectin that contains apricot is excellent for making sauces and jams. Apricots can also accompany savory dishes such as tabbouleh, and poultry with its tartness. Similarly, the association apricot-goat cheese terrine is delicious. He slips in jokes salted with powdered almonds and accompanies meat stew. To keep it, you are advised to chill, but not in the freezer because it would lose its flavor. Apricot supports freezing, but it is better to eat fresh

Apricot: For a natural beauty
In oil, the apricot is an excellent facial. Yellow, the oil is extracted from the almond kernel, it has a light texture with a low viscosity and is easily absorbed through the skin, leaving no glossy effect. Apricot oil is known to improve and revitalize the skin radiance. It can replace creams day and night. It is also suitable for tired skin, faded and dull. Historically, Arab physicians advocate apricot oil to treat certain illnesses like earaches or nose. In Pakistan, women are used to keep skin velvet, despite old age. Mixed with clay, apricot oil provides excellent anti-wrinkle facial mask and can be used to soothe irritations caused by the sun.

Here are some tips to use apricot oil apricot or just himself. To regain the softness of your hands and your feet, you can retrieve a glass of apricot juice. Pour into a bowl and add a quart of warm water. Immerse yourself, and keep your hands or feet for 10 minutes in this solution, they appear protected. For a mask, take 3 to 4 ripe apricots and remove the stones. Mash, then whisk together the flesh and skin to obtain a slurry. You can add 6 drops of sweet almond oil to apply all over your face. Keep your mask for 20 min. To remove, wipe with a piece of cotton soaked in water.

Treadmill Reviews

Hi friends. How are you all? I hope everything is going fine. Here I am also doing well. I am very much glad to meet you all here once again. Here I am going to give some reviews on treadmills. Treadmill Reviews will give us the clear glance to buy best treadmills. Some treadmill brands will offers and discounts. Each and every treadmill company has their own ratings. Bowflex 7 Series treadmills are tremendously good to use. This treadmill has high quality standard on the company. The serious runners can do their exercise regularly without any disturbances. The treadmill will help us to reduce our cholesterol and fat from our body. It will maintain out health fit. The Reebok 8.90 is too costly to buy, but it is too damn good to use. It has many facilities to work, the motors in this treadmill works for long time. The Horizon T102 and Nautilus T514 treadmills are standing 1st and 2nd in the treadmill reviews.